We’re here to bring people who care about making the world a better place together and bring a human touch back to dating. Stop the endless swiping & texting so you can spend more time connecting IRL. Why should you sign up?No more swiping and messaging people to get a dateMeet people who share your values Fun in-person eventsWhat's expected from you:Showing up to the events that you’ve committed toHelp spread the word (that's how you found out after all!)Share feedback with us (this is new!)What you can expect:Meeting a group of mission-driven single peopleEvents will be organized by dating orientation (Men & Women, Women & Women, Men & Men) - you are of course welcome to sign up for any combination of events that interest youCasual dress - no need to dress up like it’s a business meeting, just be comfortable!Some open format, some facilitated get-to-know-you